Category: 约茶
1. **药用价值**: – **解毒消肿**:猪尾草具有利尿、活血、解毒、消肿的功效,常用于治疗感冒发热、风湿骨痛、小儿惊风、小便不利、泄泻、疝气、跌打损伤、热毒疮疡等症状。 – **治疗毒蛇咬伤**:猪尾草球茎入药,可用于治疗毒蛇咬伤、痈肿疮毒等。 2. **营养价值**: – **淀粉含量高**:猪尾草的根状茎含有37%至40%的淀粉,可用于酿造酒类。 – **其他用途**:猪尾草的花朵艳丽,可用于湖畔、河岸、池边等湿地的绿化;叶可用作编织及造纸原料;同时也是蜜源植物。 3. **食疗功效**: – **增强免疫力**:猪尾草具有促进康复、补铁补血、抗衰老的作用。 – **解热镇痛**:猪尾草可用于解热、镇痛,预防癌症,增加食欲,帮助消化,降脂减肥,抵抗疾病,促进血液循环。 – **安神镇定**:猪尾草还有安神镇定的作用,诱人食欲。 4. **美容护肤**: – **改善痘疮疤痕**:猪尾草含有较多的蛋白质,主要成分是胶原蛋白质,有助于改善痘疮所遗留下的疤痕。 5. **其他**: – **生态环保**:猪尾草的种植有助于保护生态环境,改善水质。 总之,猪尾草作为一种具有多种用途的植物,在药用、食疗、环保等方面都具有重要意义。 Read more
### 牦牛奶 #### 功效与作用: 1. **改善睡眠**:牦牛奶含有色氨酸,是神经递质5-羟色胺的前体,有助于精神和身体放松,提高睡眠质量。 2. **补钙**:含有丰富钙质,有助于骨骼生长和骨密度提高,缓解缺钙引起的症状。 3. **增强免疫**:含有乳铁蛋白、共轭亚油酸等多种因子,能增强身体抵抗力。 4. **滋润肌肤**:富含维生素B族,有助于保护表皮,防止皮肤干燥和老化。 5. **促进肠胃蠕动**:含有溶解状态的矿物质和微量元素,有助于消化吸收。 #### 适宜人群: – 失眠、缺钙、骨折、骨质疏松等人群。 – 体质差、皮肤干燥的人群。 #### 禁忌人群: – 脾胃虚寒、腹胀、腹泻、腹痛等人群。 #### 用量: – 食用:每次50-100ml。 ### 牦牛鞭 #### 功效与作用: 1. **疏通经络**:牦牛鞭中的高质量蛋白和多种丰富营养能促进气血循环,缓解经络不通畅导致的肢体麻木、关节疼痛等症状。 2. **补肾强腰**:含有大量性激素,能提高性功能,缓解肾虚和性功能减退。 3. **补益气血**:缓解气血亏损和体虚无力,改善面色暗黄和皮肤暗淡无光等症状。 4. **提高免疫力**:增强人体抵抗力。 ### 牦牛角 #### 功效与作用: 1. **治疗惊痫**:自古以来就是治疗惊痫的良药,对中暑、中风、外感温热等情况导致的昏厥也有疗效。 2. **清心**:性凉,有助于去除心内烦热,达到清心养身的目的。 3. **凉血熄风**:对肝风内动有很好的疗效,对肝肾亏虚导致的抽搐、震颤等症状有缓解作用。 4. **治疗血热出血**:对邪热侵入体内或情志郁结导致的血流加速、出血等症状有治疗作用。 ### 牦牛奶粉 ####… Read more
Chapter two hundred and ninety-three Evil Tiger (5)
"It’s not wrong for you to see two stunts less, such as jumping legs, slingshots and acupuncturing. It’s just because you people still dare to play our Cao Gang idea that you deserve to die." Zhao Yaoniang, who wears cowhide boots and stomps on Xu Fenglin’s face, is enjoying the pleasure of stomping on this… Read more
After several times of strengthening, the rock wall burst open, and Roderick Tower dropped a destructive bomb, so the energy tide was relatively narrow, causing widespread casualties among tiger beetles and flame insects.
The strategic worm tower force has always been great, even if the metempsychosis evil dragon takes the opportunity to sneak into and disturb the order, it is already the limit. If you want to clear all the worm soldiers, you need the star cruise ship fleet to attack with all its strength, otherwise the cleaning… Read more
"I know you’re still angry about Huier, but I assure you that Pei’s family never wanted to abandon her."
"Even if she is hiding now, even if she makes any unforgivable mistakes in the future, she is still the second girl of Pei Jia and my sister Pei Hong." Until today, Pei Hong didn’t know the news that Pei Hui had died. Most Pei’s family, including Pei Hong, believed that Pei Hui had gone… Read more
I think this is the toad from the fire
Toad is huge, ten feet wide and twenty feet long, but at the moment, so many people have entered its abode of fairies and immortals, which has made a lot of noise and not awakened it. Chapter one hundred and twenty-two Toad from the fire [Sorry to come now] Looking at the monster lying on… Read more
"Wait! "God just wanted to stop him, but Labra had already walked out of his shelter.
"touch! "One shot hit Labra and he was killed. "Ah, I hung up, too." Labra grabbed her hair and smiled easily. She didn’t seem to feel any regret. "Galala Labra was killed." "Labra, are you intentional? "The new killer teased with a smile," How can it be possible to help people resurrect if it is… Read more
Shi Min footsteps turned around and looked at the steps, and Li Nong looked puzzled.
"Wang Wei has something to say to you. I wonder if the king of Wei can take a car together?" "naturally, please" In the carriage, sandalwood curled up in Shimin and made a pot of tea for himself. Li Nong filled a cup and closed his eyes without words. It seems that Li Nong can’t… Read more
Forced to kneel Shi Chong feel humiliated "Shi Min! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated! Kill the orphan now if you dare! Give the lonely king a good time! "
Smell speech Shi Min can’t help laughing at a "Shi Chong hello big power and prestige! After all this, you are still so arrogant! Scholar? You deserve a taxi, too? When you arise and rebel, you should have thought that there would be such a " "…" Shi Chong was silent. "Shi Min became king… Read more
"Take the initiative to attack" Amitabha looked at the pagoda in his hand. "This matter needs to find a chance."
With that, Amitabha got up and walked out of Lingshan Pure Land, and soon disappeared. "senior brother" Miaoyu doesn’t know when it’s time to stand in the way of Jade Duxiu. "Wonderful jade, why are you here?" Jade Duxiu looked at Kunlundian Wonderful Jade one leng. "Brother, stop messing around. I’m a little worried that… Read more